The NHS is having a tough time; with increasing numbers of patients needing support. Meeting this demand requires more high quality and qualified Medics. But with a dwindling supply of qualified talent and the increasing demands of compliance, the challenge can feel overwhelming.
MedicNow can transform the way you hire ambulance professionals and can supply you with specialists for permanent roles or locum assignments. Our candidate screening and assessment process matches the standards of the highest performing NHS Trusts, and is the reason we have been awarded supplier status on two NHS Improvement approved frameworks:
- NHS Collaborative Procurement Partnership: National framework agreement; and for the supply of clinical staff;
- HealthTrust Europe: Total Workforce Solutions 2016
We manage an agile, temporary workforce across the UK through our dedicated resource teams that are on hand to serve you 24/7. Our robust processes and leading-edge workforce management technology gives you visibility and control over your contingent workforce.
Result: you will have a flexible workforce at your fingertips without incurring any risk – good for your performance results, and your organisation's reputation.
Contact our Accounts team on:
Email: accounts@medicnow.com
Phone: 01494 578 999